Privacy Trees

Privacy trees, Highrise live oak trees

I need some privacy trees! Looking out at my boring flat green lawn is one thing but beyond that is the gorgeous road. Well… I would not call it gorgeous… more like ugly, and noisy! Then of course across the street are my neighbor’s houses which really do not make the best of views. Don’t get me wrong I live in a beautiful subdivision but I still feel that nagging desire to plant some nice trees for privacy.

There are a variety of fast growing privacy trees at the local tree nurseries but none of them seem just right for me. I do not really have the patience to wait years to grow beautiful tall privacy trees. I also considered the more typical privacy shrubs trees style but I really have fallen in love with the idea of big shade privacy trees.

So my search for the best privacy trees begins and naturally I turn to the internet for some inspiration! They have everything online after all and what better way to also find cheap privacy trees. My first thought was that I want to think about how I would go about landscaping privacy trees in my yard. My yard is fairly large in the front and established trees might be best in my opinion to avoid years of waiting for large privacy trees.

My next step was to research good privacy trees used for privacy in my region which happens to be in the south east. I wanted trees that provide privacy which also were easy to maintain and not easy to kill… I don’t have much of a green thumb! I admit I am instantly drawn to varieties of oak, especially those grand live oak trees that bring to mind old photographs of gorgeous southern plantation homes.

Digging in a little deeper in my search for the best trees to plant for privacy in my yard I find out there are three types of live oaks that a tree nursery provides. One is called a Highrise live oak tree and it is one of the more narrow privacy trees. Then there is a Standard live oak which is allowed to develop naturally. Finally my favorite one which is called a Cathedral live oak which is tall and dense, perfect for blocking out noise and providing good privacy.

Now I know what I want but I need to research where to buy privacy trees that deliver to my location and then of course a service which offers planting privacy trees for me, since the trees would already be large, just what I want. Obviously this took me a while to do and I made several phone calls to compare cost but I finally settled on a company called Southern Pride Tree Farm out of this little town I never heard of before called Bell, Florida.

They seemed to know more about their live oak trees than other nurseries and more importantly… assured me they would explain exactly how to care for it! Sigh of relief here, I hate to be a burden but I am just not great with live plants. All of the plants in my house are plastic. Now I am just waiting on my order which I am having delivered next week and I will update the blog when I get my new live oak privacy trees.

Live Oak Trees For Sale

Live Oak Tree for Sale

A big, sprawling, picturesque tree, usually decorated with Spanish moss and strongly reminiscent of the old South, oak is one of the widest dissemination of the Oaks, providing large areas of deep, inviting shade. The live oak is the tree state of Georgia.

Reaching 40 to 60 feet tall, with a gap of 60 to 100 feet and usually with sinuous curves of many trunks and branches, oak is an impressive sight for any large-scale landscape. An amazingly durable American native, it can measure its lifetime in centuries if properly located and cared for in the landscape.

Live oak is usually pest-free. Occasionally mites infest the foliage, but they are of little concern in the landscape. There is some concern for a newly discovered Texas live oak decline. Galls cause homeowners much concern. There are many types and galls can be on the leaves or twigs of live oak. Most galls are harmless so chemical controls are not suggested.

Light requirement: tree grows in part shade/part sun; tree grows in full sun
Soil tolerances: clay; loam; sand; acidic; occasionally wet; alkaline; well-drained
Drought tolerance: high
Aerosol salt tolerance: high
Soil salt tolerance: moderate

Once established, Live Oak will thrive in almost any location and has very good wind resistance. Live Oak is a tough, enduring tree that will respond with vigorous growth to plentiful moisture on well-drained soil. Like other Oaks, care must be taken to develop a strong branch structure early in the life of the tree. Be sure to eliminate multiple trunks and branches which form a narrow angle with the trunk as these are likely to split from the tree as it grows older.

Best growth is made in moist, acid soil, sand, loam or clay, but the tree is amazingly adapted to drought. It also tolerates alkaline soil well. Young trees grow three feet each year and the trunk adds about one-inch in diameter under nursery conditions.

Recommended Tree NurserySouthern Pride Tree FarmLive Oaks for Sale
